
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Fly Tying Tutorials - Simple Flies: Ishigaki Kebari

While in our current state of social distancing or more appropriately, physical distancing, I thought I would start sharing fly tying video tutorials of my go-to patterns.

While at it, I also FINALLY setup my own YouTube Channel Tenkara on the Fly to host those videos (please subscribe!)

In the first instalment, I want to share one of my favorite flies, the Ishigaki Kebari. There are lots of variations in terms of size, body color and hackle color, size and position but they all have the following in common:

1. a dry fly hook of your choice
2. color of thread of your choice
3. your dry fly hackle of choice

Pretty simple, isn't it?

Don't underestimate the simplicity of this fly though. While it is not elaborate and doesn't have to be pretty or perfect to catch fish, it is extremely versatile as you can fish it as a dry, emerger and subsurface because

"all you need is to adjust your presentation"

And this is how I see fly tying and fishing - presentation is far more important than imitation.

I hope you enjoy the video; let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

Tight Lines, -K