Last Saturday I finally had the opportunity to fish Bear Creek, a place I wanted to fish since moving here but always passed on the opportunity either fishing closer to home or driving for another half hour to RMNP.
I invited Jason Klass to join me and we hit the river first thing in the morning, driving up the canyon and up to the town of Netherland. There we fished the inlet, hoping for that some rumors I have heard were true - grayling above Barker. Well, I didn't catch any, didn't see any but the brook trout were pretty eager and made up for the lack of grayling.
Jason Klass with what I think was a rainbow |
Both Jason and I did ok in the in-let and then moved back downstream toward Boulder, stopping here and there pulling over, fishing and moving on downstream. The water downstream of the dam was a bit off-color and the flow was good, almost a bit too much water for this high gradient section of creek. There was quite a bit of white water and our fishing was mainly focused on the area of water adjacent to the main current (see Jason's blog post
here on trout hangouts). Yes, the trout hangout there and you can get them with traditional sakasa kebaris!
yours truly with a brookie |
a brown trout fond of a sakasa kebari |
Boulder Creek |
I guess use any means to get into the right position... |
... right? |
Although the morning was nice and cool, it was one of those days that had a high in the 90ies so we called it a day around noon.
I am glad I finally paid Boulder Creek a visit. I know it will not be the last one.
Tight Lines, -K
River Statistics:
Weather: sunny, light breeze
Air Temp: 60ies in the morning, 80ies by noon
Water Temp: ok to wet wade for a bit
Flow: n/a
Day on the water in 2012: 15
Fish landed: 1 rainbow, 6 brook trout and 11 brown trout
Equipment: TenkaraUSA Ebisu, Tenkarabum hi-vis level no. 3, various sakasa kebaris